Rene Rosas

University of Michigan, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Master of Public Policy

Rene Rosas was born in Hidalgo, Mexico but calls Oxnard, CA home. He graduated from The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) with a degree in International Development Studies, and a double minor in Global Health, and Labor & Workplace Studies. At UCLA, he completed public health field studies in Peru and Thailand. Rene also participated in the UCLA Spring Quarter in Washington D.C. and the Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Program at Carnegie Mellon University. In D.C., he interned at the U.S. House of Representatives for Rep. Julia Brownley.

Additionally, Rene has worked on research projects ranging in topics from housing policies to environmental sustainability. In his final year at UCLA, he completed an honors thesis on the economic, educational, and health impacts of social welfare programs in Latin America.
Rene will pursue a master’s degree in public policy, with a focus on international economic development. He intends to work on program implementation and evaluation efforts to ensure the effectiveness of programs benefiting marginalized communities. Outside of work and school, Rene enjoys spending time with family and loves watching foreign movies.